Simplify operations, reduce cost and achieve greater business agility

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Published 23-May-2017 14:55:14
Simplify operations, reduce cost and achieve greater business agility

A Unified data centre greatly improves efficiency and fully supports cloud services, for a much more agile data centre.

Today's highly mobile workforce, proliferation of devices, data-driven business models, and super-fast network speeds are making limitless collaboration and on-demand information essential to a sustainable business model.

By taking a holistic, unified approach to design and operations, your IT can build and operate a more agile, simplified, and powerful data centre infrastructure, at a lower cost.

Move beyond data centre maintenance

As enterprise computing systems increase in scale, they also increase in complexity, and as complexity increases, so does the expense of deployment and ongoing management.

Today, more than 70% of IT budget is spent simply to maintain and manage existing infrastructure. The result: IT organisations must continually increase resources to maintain a complex and inflexible infrastructure versus using them to rapidly and effectively respond to business needs.

Substantially decrease cost of ownership while increasing IT business value.

The Cisco Unified Computing System streamlines data centre resources, scaling service delivery, and radically reducing the number of devices requiring setup, management, power/cooling, and cabling.


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