New twist in remote workspace security battle

Will remote or hybrid working be a big part of your ...

Foresite Security Solution for Luceco

Luceco is a fast-growing global manufacturer and ...


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New twist in remote workspace security battle

Will remote or hybrid working be a big part of your company's strategy for months and years to come? If so, there's a growing threat you must recognise and combat. Fortunately, Vohkus can help your ...

Topics: security Cyber Security workspace solutions windows 10 microsoft surface

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Foresite Security Solution for Luceco

Luceco is a fast-growing global manufacturer and distributor of innovative LED lighting products and wiring accessories, sold under its own name and other brands, including British General, ...

Topics: security Cyber Security case study foresite

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7 Data Breach Prevention Tips for Increasing Mobile Device Security

As a society, we are extremely reliant on our smartphones for many day-to-day tasks. Meanwhile, businesses are embracing the use of portable devices to offer greater flexibility and connectivity to ...

Topics: security Vohkus News mobile security latest

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Achieve new levels of productivity with a modern desktop

In this blog, we look at why organisations hoping to boost productivity should move to a modern desktop with Microsoft 365 and Surface.. 

Topics: workspace security Microsoft microsoft surface

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Life after GDPR

The scramble for data privacy We’ve all been caught up in the flood of data privacy emails in recent weeks as companies have scrambled to make sure their mailing lists have been positively opted ...

Topics: security gdpr Vohkus News

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How IT solutions can help you manage everything from one place

Information technology solutions are essential for the efficient running of any business, but when they fail, become obsolete, or conflict with other systems, they can prove to be costly and ...

Topics: storage networking security cloud Cyber Security consult deploy email security latest networking solutions

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6 digital tools that can make any business faster and smarter

A business’ success can often rely on the abilities of its IT system. The more we use digital tools, the more management they demand, and the more can go wrong. With a succinct system, careful ...

Topics: storage networking security cloud gdpr consult latest supply networking solutions network security

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Essential Data Security Tools Your IT Department Can Be Lost Without

1. Data cleaning Small variations in data and its labelling can make interpreting and extrapolating difficult. Data cleaning removes misspellings and differences, no matter how small, to make your ...

Topics: security gdpr consult deploy manage project management data security

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5 Ways Cloud Services Could Make Your Business More Efficient

Around 88% of UK businesses are using some form of cloud technology to optimise their business operations. 250 IT decision-makers in large and small companies were surveyed, and both groups are ...

Topics: storage featured security cloud meggha cloud services deploy manage cloud business services it consulting

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5 Data Security Features You Need To Protect From Cyber Attacks

Your business’ data is one of its most valuable assets, whether it’s customer data, financial information or details about your staff. Data theft is often partly a result of negligence, so ...

Topics: networking security Cyber Security gdpr consult deploy latest manage networking solutions

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